Earthnotes Herbalist Glossary ![]() |
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DISCLAIMER: These pages are presented solely as a source of INFORMATION and to provide stern warnings against use where appropriate. No claims are made for the efficacy of any herb nor for any historical herbal treatment. In no way can the information provided here take the place of the standard, legal, medical practice of any country. Additionally, some of these plants are extremely toxic and should be used only by licensed professionals who have the means to process them properly into appropriate pharmaceuticals. One final note: many plants were used for a wide range of illnesses in the past, but be aware that many of the historical uses have proven to be ineffective for the problems to which they were applied. |
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T V W |
A | ||
♠ = toxic agent, AVOID  
♣ = danger/caution, mild to severe apply ♥ = AVOID if pregnant See corresponding herb pages for more information | ||
ABORTIFACIENT | Brings about the premature expulsion of a fetus | Barley; Bayberry, english; Bur reed ♣ = Burnut; Cohosh, Blue; Juniper; Mugwort ♥ = Burnut; Cohosh, Blue; Pennyroyal, English; also see Plants to Avoid if Pregnant |
ACRID | Possessing a biting taste accompanied by heat and/or heat and irritation to tissues when applied | Asphodel; Betel nut ♣ = Arsesmart; Bindweed, jalap; Burnut; Butter-and-Eggs; Cattail; Celandine; Cohosh, Blue ♥ = Burnut; Butter-and-Eggs; Cattail; Celandine; Cohosh, Blue ♠ = Arrowwood; Asthma weed; Birthwort; Bloodroot; Blue flag; Buttercup; Centipede, Vietnamese |
ADAPTOGEN | Increases the body's ability to adapt to environmental and internal stresses by strengthening various key body systems such as immune, nervous, and glandular. For an herb to be labeled an adaptogen, it must meet three criteria: 1) Have minimal side effects; 2) Increase the body's overall immune function by a wide range of actions rather than specific action; 3) Restore balance to all body systems while not being detrimental to any. Some are primary adaptogens (P) while others are labeled secondary (S) and are used in an assisting capacity. | Astragalus (S); Gotu Kola (S); Oats, wild (S); Reishi (P); Schizandra (P); Suma (S) ♣ = Ashwaganda (S); Burdock (S); Fo-Ti (S); Ginseng, Siberian (P) ♥ = Burdock (S) |
ALTERATIVE | Restores health in a gradual and nonspecific way by bringing balance to the whole body | Abalone; Abscess root; Alder, tag; Alfalfa; Pilewort; American ivy; Angelica tree; Apple; Ash, prickly; Bamboo, dwarf; Bearsfoot, American; Beech, blue; Beggartick, hairy; Bistort; Brunsfelsia; Burnet; Caroba; Celosia; Centaury, european; Chickweed; Cleavers; Clover, red; Coriander; Corn; Cucumber; Dandelion; Lady's bedstraw; Poplar, white; Soapwort; Turkey-Corn ♣ = Angelica; Barberry, common; Bead tree; Bethroot; Birch, sweet; Burdock; Burnut; Butternut; Calendula; Cat's Claw; Celandine; Figwort; Stoneroot; Thistle, blessed; Walnut, black ♥ = Angelica; Alstonia; Barberry, common; Burdock; Burnut; Butternut; Calendula; Celandine; Figwort ♠ = Arrowwood; Black cohosh; Blackroot; Bloodroot; Blue flag; Boxwood |
ANALGESIC | Relieves or diminishes pain | Agrimony; Ajuga (mild); Allspice; Aloe; Anaphalis; Anise, star; Ash, northern; Ash, prickly; Bramble, shiny (see Ash); Aspen, quaking; Balloon flower; Bearsfoot, american; Bayberry; Black haw; Burnet; Catnip; Centipeda; Clove; Couchgrass; Dong Quai; Meadowsweet; Pearly life everlasting; Poplar, white ♣ = Achryanthes root; Angelica pubescens; Apricot; Avens, yellow; Bayberry; Boneset, asian; Borage; Bupleurum; Burnut; Cannabis; Cayenne; Celandine; Chamomile; Comfrey; Figwort; Licorice; Mullein; Sassafras; Willow, white ♥ = Achryanthes root; Angelica pubescens; Burnut; Celandine; Chamomile ♠ = Aconite, carmichael's; Arnica; Arum; Belladonna; Belladonna, japanese; Birthwort, frail; Black cohosh; Buttercup; Camphor; Camphor, Borneo |
ANAPHRODISIAC | Reduces sexual desire or potency | ♣ = Cedar, white; Hops |
ANDROGENIC | Relates to the production of male characteristics | ♣ = Barrenwort |
ANESTHETIC | Deadens sensation, particularly that of pain | Allspice; Almond (topical); Aloe; Ash, Japanese prickly; Clove (topical); Mint (mild) ♣ = Angelica anomala; Cannabis (topical); Poppy ♠ = Aconite (topical); Bloodroot (topical) |
ANODYNE | Same as Analgesic | see ANALGESIC |
ANTACID | Relieves excess acidity such as of the stomach | Alfalfa; Apple; Meadowsweet |
ANTIANDROGENIC | Diminishes effects of masculinizing hormones | ♣ = Hops |
ANTHELMINTIC | Destroys or expels intestinal worms | See VERMIFUGE |
Destroys or arrests the growth of bacteria | Akebia; Aloe; Amur cork tree; Anise, star; Apple; Ash, japanese prickly; Ash, northern; Atractylodes macrocephela; Balloon flower; Bamboo, black; Beggartick, hairy (weak); Betel; Black currant; Black medic; Black eyed susan; Bletilla; Bottle gourd; Burnet; Burrweed; Cabbage; Canella; Cannabis; Catnip; Chives; Cleavers (weak); Clove; Coriander; Couchgrass; Fenugreek; Garlic; Horsemint (see Mint); Lavender; Nettle, Dwarf; Onion; Pinks, Chinese; Plantain; Rosemary; Stevia; Usnea; Walnut, english; Water plantain ♣ = Anemarrhena; Ashwaganda; Asparagus, chinese; Bay; Barberry, common; Bayberry; Bearberry; Black cherry; Blackberry lily; Blazing star; Brucea; Burdock; Calendula; Caraway; Cashew;& Cayenne; Chamomile (gram pos/staph); Chicory; Cinnamon; Cohosh, Blue; Coltsfoot; Echinacea; Fennel; Goldenseal; Thistle, blessed ♥ = Barberry; Bearberry; Blackberry lily; Burdock; Calendula; Chamomile (gram pos/staph); Cinnamon; Cohosh, blue; Coltsfoot; Cumin; Fennel; Ginger, Wild; Goldenseal; Sage; Sage, Purple ♠ = Anemone chinensis; Bloodroot; Boxthorn; Camphor, borneo |
ANTICOAGULANT | Prevents liquid/blood from clotting | ♣ = Chervil |
ANTICHOLINERGIC | Blocks passage of impulses through the autonomic nerves | Balloon Flower |
ANTICONVULSANT | Tending to prevent fits or convulsions | Ampelopsis ♠ = Arum |
ANTIDEPRESSANT | Counteracts depressive mental states | Ash, Red; Balm, Lemon; Balmony; Basil, Holy; Damiana; Lovage; Lovage, Black ♣ = Cannabis; |
Alstonia (strophanthus); Arrowroot (vegetable poisons); Aster (animal); Balm, Lemon (tobacco); Balmony, Indian (carbon tetrachloride); Bayberry (arsenic - external); Blackberry (poison); Black Face God (lacquer poisoning); Bottle Gourd (poison); Canarium (poison fish); Ceylon Spinach (poisons); Clove (side effects of Lobelia); Corn (Iodine); Cranesbill (poisons/mercury); Horehound (snakebite); Yellowdock (Nettle) ♣ = Apricot (kernal); Boneset, Asian (poison) ♠ = Asarabacca (mushroom); Belladonna (certain gases, calabar bean, opium); Birthwort (snake); Calabar Bean (atropine); Hemlock (Strychnine) |
ANTIEMETIC | Counteracts nausea, relives vomiting | Adrue; Amomum; Bamboo, Black; Basil, Holy; Bilberry; Cardamom, Bastard; Cardamom, Round; Chives, Garlic; Clove; Ginger ♣ = Cannabis |
ANTIFLATULENT | Prevents or relieves intestinal gas/wind | Aquilaria; Savory ♣ = Chamomile ♥ = Chamomile; Cumin |
ANTIFUNGAL | Destroys or arrests the growth of fungal infections | Akebia; Anise, Star; Ash, Japanese Prickly; Balloon Flower; Beggar Tick, Hairy; Cedar, True; Clove; Coriander; Horsemint (see Mint); Jewelweed; Marjoram, Showy; Monarda; Stevia; Tea Tree; Thyme; Walnut, English ♣ = Anemarrhena; Barberry; Bay; Bead Tree; Blackberry lily; Brucea; Burdock; Calendula; Cedar, White; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Cohosh, blue; ♣Figwort; Mullein; Walnut, Black ♥ = Barberry; Blackberry Lily; Burdock; Calendula; Chamomile; Cohosh, Blue; Cinnamon ♠ = Ambrosia; Arnica; Bloodroot |
ANTIGRIPING | An herbalist term descriptive of an agent used to relieve spasmodic pain in the bowel, sometimes as the result of administering another herb to relieve constipation | Allspice; Anise; Clove; Coriander |
ANTIHISTIMINE | Counteracts an allergic condition NOT FOR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS! |
Balloon Flower; Balm, Lemon ♥ = Ginger ♠ = Asthma Weed |
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY | Relieves inflammation | Agave; Akebia; Alliaria; Ash; Ash, Northern; Aspen, Quaking; Bachelor Button; Balloon Flower; Beggartick, Hairy; Bilberry; Bishopweed; Bistort; Blackberry; Black Currant; Blueberry; Brunfelsia; Bupleurum; Burnet; Butcher's Broom; Cabbage; Canarium; Cayenne; Cedron; Cleavers; Couchgrass; Cranesbill; Dandelion; Meadowsweet; Pinks, Chinese; Plantain; Poplar, White; Walnut, English ♣ = Angelica; Angelica pubescens; Ashwaganda; Avens; Barberry, common; Bead Tree; Birch, Paper; Birch, Silver; Blackberry Lily; Bogbean; Burdock; Calendula; Cannabis; Comfrey; Cat's Claw; Celandine; Chamomile; Chicory; Cohosh, Blue; Crampbark; Elder; Hops; Licorice; Stoneroot ♥ = Angelica pubescens; Barberry; Blackberry Lily; Burdock; Calendula; Celandine; Chamomile; Cohosh, Blue; Ginger; Sage; Sage, Purple ♠ = Anemone chinensis; Arnica; Asthma Weed; Birthwort; Black Cohosh; Blue Flag; Camphor, Borneo |
ANTILACTAGOGUE | Dries up breast milk | Arrowhead; Barley ♣ = Chicory; Walnut, Black ♥ = Sage; Sage, Purple |
ANTILITHIC | Reduces urinary stones and/or dissolves those already present | Bottle Gourd; Dandelion ♣ = Bead Tree; Stoneroot |
ANTIMITOTIC | Arrests mitosis, a form of cell division | ♣ = Comfrey |
ANTIOXIDANT | Prevents oxidation by oxygen molecules that damage tissues in the body | Betel; Bilberry; Marjoram, Showy; Rosemary; Selfheal ♣ = Cat's Claw; Ginkgo |
ANTIPARASITIC | An herbalist term meaning to repel or destroy parasites such as mites or scabies | Anise; Annatto (skin); Balsam of Peru; Black Chebula; Elecampane; Papaya; Tea Tree ♣ = Bahia Powder; Bay; Bead Tree |
ANTIPERIODIC | Counteracts periodic or intermittant diseases such as malaria | Artemisia; Ash; Ash, White; Beech, Blue; Burrweed |
ANTIPYRETIC | Lowers body temperature to reduce or eliminate fever | Agave; Aglaia; Ailanto; Akebia; Alfalfa; Amur Cork Tree; Apple; Arenaria; Ash; Ash, Prickly; Aspen, Quaking; Astragalus; Baeckea; Bala; Balloon Flower; Balloon Vine; Balm, Lemon; Balmony, Indian; Balsam; Balsam Pear; Bamboo, Black; Bamboo, Dwarf; Barley; Basil, Camphor; Basil, East Indian; Basil, Holy; Bebeeru; Benjamin Bush; Bilberry; Birdsfoot Trefoil; Bistort; Blackberry; Black Currant; Gourd, Bottle; Currant, Red; Burnet; Button Bush; Cabbage; Caesar Weed; Catnip; Cedron; Celosia; Centaury, American; Centary, European; Ceylon Spinach; Chickweed; Cleavers; Coriander, False; Corn; Couchgrass; Cucumber; Dandelion; Pinks, Chinese; Pinks, Clove; Poplar, Ontario; Ragwort; Safflower ♣ = Alexander, Golden; Anemarrhena; Apricot, Japanese; Asparagus, Chinese; Asparagus, Fern; Avens; Avens, Rough; Avens, Water; Barberry, common; Bead Tree; Bindweed, Hedge; Blackberry Lily; Bogbean; Boneset; Borage; Brucea; Bupleurum; Burdock; Butternut; Cashew; Cattail; Cedar, White; Cinnamon; Comfrey; Thistle, Blessed ♥ = Barberry; Blackberry Lily; Burdock; Butternut; Cattail; Cinnamon ♠ = Ambrosia; Asthma Weed; Birthwort; Black Cohosh; Bloodroot; Boxthorn; Boxwood; Broom, Scotch; Camphor, Borneo; Wormwood |
ANTISCORBUTIC | Cures or prevents Scurvy due to presence of vitamin C | Agrimony; Ash, American; Aspen, Quaking; Citrus fruit; Dandelion; Narrowleaf Cottonwood (see Poplar); Potato ♣ = Barberry; Poplar, Balsam ♥ = Barberry ♠ = Columbine |
ANTISCROFULOUS | Counteracts scrofula, a tubercular condition | Adder's Tongue ♣ = Birch, Sweet |
ANTISEPTIC | Inhibits or destroys bacteria | Agave; Alder, American Black; Allspice; American Ivy; Anaphalis; Anise; Apple; Ash, American; Aspen, Quaking; Astragalus; Balm of Capaiba (genitourinary); Balm, Lemon; Balsam; Basil, East Indian; Basil, Holy; Beech; Beech, American; Benzoin; Betony; Birch, Silver; Black Currant; Black Face God; Carrot, Wild (urinary); Catnip; Cedar, True; Cedron; Clove; Cranesbill; Damiana (urinary); Eucalyptus; Garlic; Hops; Horsemint (see Mint); Marjoram, Sweet; Mint; Monarda; Mullein; Onion; Oregano, Greek; Palmarosa; Pine; Poplar, Ontario; Poplar, White; Savory (mild); Southernwood; Sweet Cicely; Thyme ♣ = Angelica (urinary); Arsesmart; Avens; Bay (topical); Bayberry, English; Bearberry (urinary); Boldo; Buchu; Bupleurum; Cajuput; Calendula; Cayenne; Cedar, White; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Cohosh, Blue; Goldenseal; Horseradish; Juniper; Sassafras; Thistle, Blessed; Walnut, Black ♥ = Angelica (urinary); Bearberry (urinary); Cajuput; Calendula; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Cohosh, Blue; Goldenseal; Sage; Sage, Purple ♠ = Alder Buckthorn; Arnica; Asthma Weed; Birthwort; Blackroot; Camphor |
ANTISPASMODIC | Relieves or prevents spasms | Abalone; Aglaia; Agrimony; Ailanto; Alfalfa; Almond; Alstonia; Ambrette; American Ivy; Ammoniac Gum; Angostura; Anise; Asafetida; Ash, Prickly; Asphodel; Aster, Short's; Astragalus; Balm, Lemon; Barberry, Amur; Basil, Holy; Beggartick, Swamp; Benzoin; Betony; Bilberry; Black Haw; Blueberry; Burrweed; Caraway; Cardamine; Catnip; Cayenne; Cedron; Celandine; Cleavers; Clove; Coriander; Coriander, False; Dandelion (weak); Lady's Bedstraw; Mint; Nettle, Blind; Oregano; Skullcap; Thyme; Walnut, English ♣ = Angelica; Apricot; Apricot, Japanese; Beechdrops; Bergamot; Boldo; Boneset; Burnut; Calendula; Cannabis; Cardamom; Cascara Sagrada; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Clover, Red; Cohosh, Blue; Crampbark; Licorice; Stoneroot ♥ = Angelica; Burnut; Calendula; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Clover, Red; Cohosh, Blue; Cumin ♠ = Ambrosia; Asthma Weed; Belladonna; Belladonna, Japanese; Birthwort, Frail (bronchial); Black Cohosh; Blackroot; Bloodroot; Buttercup; Butterfly Weed; Cabbage, Skunk; Camphor; Camphor, Borneo |
ANTISUDORIFIC | Arrests sweating | ♥ = Sage; Sage, Purple |
ANTITHROMBOTIC | Counteracts blood coagulation by preventing/inactivating the action of thrombin | Alfalfa; Bilberry; Butcher's Broom |
ANTITUSSIVE | Relieves coughing | Arenaria; Aster, Red-Stalked; Balloon Flower; Bamboo, Black; Barrenwort; Black Cherry; Caesar Weed; Centipeda ♣ = Apricot; Asparagus, Chinese; Bugleweed; Cannabis; Coltsfoot; Licorice ♥Bugleweed; Coltsfoot ♠ = Belladonna, Japanese-2; Birthwort, Frail; Black Cohosh; Boxthorn; Castor Bean |
ANTIVIRAL | Destroys or arrests the growth of viruses | Agrimony; Annatto; Apple; Astragalus; Balsam Pear; Cardamom, Bastard; Clove; Fenugreek; Shitake ♣ = Ashwaganda; Blackberry Lily; Black Cherry; Bupleurum; Calendula; Cat's Claw; Cedar, White; Cinnamon; Comfrey; Elder; Licorice; St Johnswort ♥ = Blackberry Lily; Calendula; Cinnamon; Cumin |
ANTIYEAST | An herbalist term to denote agents specific to fighting yeast infections | Acidophilus (candida); Beggar Tick, Hairy (candida); Stevia |
APERIENT | Mild bowel stimulant | ♣Asparagus; Balmony; Betony; Butcher's Broom; Candle Nut; Ceylon Spinach; Couchgrass; Cucumber; Dandelion ♣ = Borage; Calendula ♥ = Calendula ♠ = Arrowwood (mild); Ash, Mountain |
APHRODISIAC | Stimulates sexual desire or increases potency of the sexual response | Anaphalis; Aquilaria; Artichoke; Asafetida; Ash, Black; Bala; Balsam Pear (male); Beggar Tick (female); Broomrape; Candle Nut; Celosia; Clove; Damiana; Lady's Bedstraw; Nettle, Dwarf; Rosewood ♣ = Ashwaganda; Barrenwort; Boneset, Asian; Burnut ♥ = Burnut |
AROMATIC | An agent with an agreeable, spicy taste and odor which possesses the ability to have a physiological or psychological effect (as in aromatherapy) | Acacia, Cassie; Ajuga; Ambrette; Amomum; Anaphalis; Angostura (bitter); Anise; Szechuan Pepper; Aster, Purple-Stemmed; Atractylodes chinensis; Balm of Copaiba; Balm, Lemon; Balsam; Basil; Basil, East Indian; Basil, Holy; Bearswort; Benjamin Bush; Betel; Brunsfelsia; Buchu; Butcher's Broom; Canella; Caraway; Cardamom; Cardamom, Bastard; Cayenne; Chamomile; Chervil; Cinnamon; Clove; Coriander; Coriander, False; Costmary; Ginger; Marjoram, Sweet; Mint; Oregano, Greek; Pinks, Clove; Pussytoes ♣ = Avens; Bay; Bayberry; Bergamot; Birch, Sweet; Blazing Star; Boldo; Bugleweed; Poplar, Balsam ♥ = Bugleweed; Cumin; Ginger, Wild ♠ = Arnica; Blue Flag (slight) |
ASTRINGENT | An agent which brings about contraction or constriction of tissue and reduces secretions or discharges | Abscess Root; Acacia; Agrimony; Agrimony, Water; Ailanto; Ajuga; Alder; Alder, American Black; Alder, Tag; Alfilaria; Alkanet; Alstonia; American Ivy; Anaphalis; Annatto; Arbutus; Ash; Ash American; Ash, Northern; Ash, Prickly; Ash, White; Aspen, Quaking; Aster, Short's; Atractylodes (A. ovata); Bachelor Button; Bael (mildly); Bala; Balloon Flower; Balm of Copaiba; Balsam; Bamboo, Black; Bebeeru; Beech, American; Benzoin; Betel Nut; Betony; Bilberry; Bistort; Blackberry; Black Chebula; Black Cherry; Black Currant; Black Haw; Blazing Star; Blueberry; Burnet; Canarium; Capers; Carrot, Wild; Catnip; Celosia; Cleavers; Costmary; Cranesbill; Dandelion; Lady's Bedstraw; Lady's Mantle; Nettle, Blind; New Jersey Tea; Parsley, Piert; Pearly Life Everlasting; Pilewort, Poplar, White; Pussytoes; Ragwort; Savory; Szechuan Pepper; ♣Thistle, Blessed; Thyme; Walnut, English ♣ = Angelica; Apricot, Japanese; Arsesmart; Ashwaganda; Avens; Avens, Rough; Avens, Water; Barberry, common; Bay; Bayberry; Bayberry, English; Bearberry; Beechdrops; Bethroot; Birch, Common; Birch, Silver; Birch, Sweet; Boneset; Brucea; Bugleweed; Burdock; Burnut; Butter-and-Eggs; Butternut; Calendula; Caraway; Cascara Sagrada; Cattail; Cayenne; Cedar, White; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Coltsfoot; Comfrey: Crampbark; Elder (mild); Sorrel; St Johnswort; Stoneroot; Walnut, Black ♥ = Angelica; Barberry, Common; Bearberry; Bugleweed; Burdock; Burnut; Butter-and-Eggs; Butternut; Calendula; Cattail; Chamomile; Cinnamon; Coltsfoot; Cumin; Sage; Sage, Purple ♠ = Anemone chinensis; Anemone, Canadian; Arnica; Ash, Mountain; Black Cohosh; Broom, Scotch; Buttercup; Columbine (mildly) |
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