Earthnotes Herb Library
DISCLAIMER: These pages are presented solely as a source of INFORMATION and ENTERTAINMENT and to provide stern warnings against use where appropriate. No claims are made for the efficacy of any herb nor for any historical herbal treatment. In no way can the information provided here take the place of the standard, legal, medical practice of any country. Additionally, some of these plants are extremely toxic and should be used only by licensed professionals who have the means to process them properly into appropriate pharmaceuticals. One final note: many plants were used for a wide range of illnesses in the past, but be aware that many of the historical uses have proven to be ineffective for the problems to which they were applied. |
(Juglans nigra)
CONTAINS: 15 ppm Iodine, 28% tannins, resin, flavonoids, 8% gum, 88% water when fresh, 6% water when air dried, 5% sugars.
FRUIT RIND CONTAINS (based on zero moisture per 3.5 oz): 23.1 mg aluminum, 2.9% ash, 309 mg calcium, 0.090 mg chromium, 0.36 mg cobalt, 4.5 mg iron, 44 mg magnesium, 0.25 mg manganese, 0.70 mg niacin, 107 mg phosphorus, 1490 mg potassium, 9.8% protein, 0.10 mg riboflavin, 0.30 mg selenium, 0.22 mg silicon, 13 mg sodium, .020 mg thiamine, 1.2 mg tin, 100 IU vitamin A, trace mg vitamin C, trace mg zinc.
The GREEN NUT is rich in vitamin C.
May contain natural fluoride.
Some contents have exhibited anticancer properties, namely ellagic acid, juglone, other acids and alkaloids.
A large, deciduous tree native to Europe found in bottomland forests and rich, moist soil with nearly black bark which is roughly ridged when old. Leaves pinnately compound with ovate, lanceolate, serrate leaflets (15 to 23). Male and female greenish flowers grow in separate catkins. Nuts are contained in a round, hairy surfaced husk (or rind), green to greenish-yellow, slightly larger than a golf ball with the nut surface being deeply grooved; the yellow rind has a black pulp that stains everything it contacts. North American range is from southern Ontario to western Massachusetts, south to Texas and Florida.
NEEDS: Grown as an ornamental and shade tree.
PART USED: Fruit rind, bark, leaves, green nut.
SOLVENT: Alcohol, water.
Astringent, antifungal, antiseptic, alterative, laxative, purgative (strong infusion), detergent, anticancer, vermifuge; affects digestive and glandular systems. SPECIFICALLY: Bark = astringent, bitter, cold, affects colon; fruit tonic; rind hepatic; leaves alterative, detergent; oil of nut mildy laxative and anthelmintic and has been used to expel tapeworm.
Has been used for abscesses, acne, boils, cancer, carbuncles, colitis, diptheria, eczema, eye diseases, fevers, hemorrhoids, infections, to stop lactation, liver and gallbladder problems, lupus, mouth sores, intestinal parasites, skin rashes, ringworm, scrofula, tonsilitis, tuberculosis, tumors, internal ulcers, prolapsed uterus, varicose veins.
Dried bark has been used for chronic constipation, dysentary, liver congestion, intestinal worms. Also, the unripe nut for intestinal worms and parasites.
An infusion or decoction of the bark has been used to dry up milk; also as a douche for leucorrhea and as a mouthwash for sore mouth and inflamed tonsils.
Decoction has been used for hemorrhoids and intestinal worms.
Rind has been used to treat wounds, bruises and inflamed and damaged tissue.
Has been used to treat thyroid deficient conditions (due to presence of iodine).
The leaves and greenhusks have been used externally in infusion form for chronic eczema, herpes, impetigo, canker sores, boils, psoriasis, skin parasites, and other skin conditions. The tincture of the bark has also been used for the same purposes (10 to 20 drops in a bit of water, then rubbed on the skin twice daily). Has also been employed for poison oak/poison ivy rash.
In the past scrofuladerma (tuberculosis of the skin) has been treated by a wash of 1 cup of leaves boiled in 1 quart of water with a bit of honey added.
As an antifungal it has found use in the past for candida yeast infection, ringworm, athlete's foot, and thrush; the rind was used as a poultice for ringworm.
An infusion of the leaves has been employed as a cleansing wash.
The rind has been used for diptheria.
The distilled fresh nuts in spirit alcohol was used to tream hysteria and vomiting (including morning sickness of pregnancy).
The nut has been eaten for heartburn, colic, and dysentary. In some cultures, the nut has been considered an aphrodisiac.
In the Folk Medicine practices of Russia, has been used as a tea, both internally and externally, for scrofula, ulcers, wounds, rickets; has also been used as a gargle, and was once used in Russia military hospitals for wounds and ulcers as well as skin diseases and tuberculosis.
In India a decoction of the bark has been used for skin diseases.
In Chinese medicine the fruit is considered to be a mild yang tonic.
!All others buy commercial preparations and follow directions carefully!
FRESH FRUIT RIND = 2 to 3 tsp daily
DRIED FRUIT RIND = 1 to 1.5 grams
INFUSION = 1 tsp inner bark, leaves or rind, cut small, added to 1 cup boiling water; 1 to 4 cups taken daily, 1 large mouthful at a time.
TINCTURE of BARK = 10 to 20 drops in water or juice, 3 times daily.
TINCTURE of FRUIT RIND = For added antifungal activity: to 1 oz of tincture add a few drops of lavender flower tincture and 5 drops of tea trea oil.
A tincture of the leaves and rind of the green fruit is used for: acne, rectal burning, suppuration of auxillary glands, canker, ecthyma, pain over eyes, favus, flatulence, headache, herpes, sensation of levitating, menorrhagia, purpura, ringworm, scurvy, pain in the spleen, syphilis.
Nuts eaten as a food; also used to flavor candy, ice cream, and cakes.
In Russia a jam is made from the nuts.
Has been used as an antiperspirant.
Bark and husks used to produce a black to brown dye.
Rinds have been used to tan animal skins.
Wood has been used for panelling, cabinet making, and salad bowls.
aka Caucasion Walnut, Circassian Walnut, Persian Walnut
(Juglans regia
CONTAINS: Essential fatty acids that are important for healthy cell function, and prostaglandin development; quinones, oils, tannins.
NUTS contain essential fatty acids (linoleic acids).
RIND contains fruits acids and minerals.
This deciduous tree, growing to 80 feet with gray bark and spreading branches, has been cultivated in Europe since at least Roman times. Leaflets are sticky when young, but later glabrous. Male flowers grow in axillary catkins, the female in terminal spikes.
Its scientific name is derived from the Roman Jovis glans meaning Jupiter's nut, since according to legend, when the gods visited the earth, they lived on walnuts.
PROPAGATION: By SEED sown under cover in autumn; by whip and tongue grafting, or chip-budding onto J. nigra. Self-fertile cultivars are available and more reliably produce crops.
NEEDS: Grown as an ornamental in deep rich, well-drained soil in sun. Some plants are killed off by growing under or near walnuts due to juglone which the tree excretes into the surrounding soil. Prune out dead branches in winter. Susceptible to bacterial leaf blotch and blight. Young shoots and flowers are sensitive to early frosts.
PART USED: Dried leaves, dried inner bark, fruits (unripe rind is used fresh), kernals [hu tao ren], oil.
HARVEST: Leaves during the growing season; fruits both in ripe and unripe stages; husks, shells and kernals are separated for storage; kernals are pressed for oil.
Juglans regia 'Lanciniata'
Bitter, astringent, warming and drying, antispasmodic, expectorant, laxative, antibiotic, antifungal, demulcent, anticancer, digestive toner, vermifuge; fresh rind is considered cooling and anti-inflammatory.
Has been used to dissolve kidney stones.
An infusion of the leaves has been used as a digestive tonic for poor appetite and catarrhal enteritis; has also been used as a wash for eczema, wounds, and abrasions.
Has been used internally for constipation, chronic coughs, asthma, urinary stones (leaves), diarrhea, anemia (rind), and menstrual problems.
The oil has been used internally for skin conditions.
Has been used externally for eczema, herpes, eruptive skin problems, eye inflammations, and hair loss (infusion of the rind used as a hair rinse).
In Europe a well strained infusion of the leaves has a long history of use for eczema, blepharitis and conjunctivitis (also, 5 drops of tincture in an eyecupful of water).
An infusion of the rind has been used for chronic diarrhea and as a tonic for anemia.
A decoction of the bark is used as a wash or in the bath for rheumatism, gout, glandular swellings, gum problems, scrofula, sweaty feet, acne, dandruff, and other skin problems as well as excessive milk flow after weaning.
A decoction of the green shell has been used for erectile dysfunction.
In Chinese medicine is used as a tonic for weak kidneys.
The flower is use to produce one of the Bach Flower Rememdies for menopause and other life-changing events.
!All others buy commercial preparations and follow directions carefully!
INFUSION = 4 tsp dried leaves or chopped green shells in 1 cup boiling water; 1 cup taken daily, a mouthful at a time.
UNREFINED OIL of NUT = 2 tsps taken daily for dysmenorrhea or dry, flaky eczema.
BATH = 1 pound dried leaves boiled in 1½ quarts water for 45 minutes; strain and add to bath.
The unripe fruits are pickled and preserved in syrup.
Is used to make the French liqueur 'brou de roix'.
The oil extracted from the nut is considered a health food.
The leaves and husks yield a dark brown dye which has been used to color dark hair.
The oil is used in makeup.
The oil is used in artists' paints.
The wood has been used in furniture making, veneers, and gunstocks.
©2005 by Ernestina Parziale, CH