A tropical evergreen tree to 30 feet with a cone-shaped growth pattern which blooms year round. Is native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands of Indonesia. BARK is grayish. The bright green, leathery LEAVES, which smell of cloves when crushed, are opposite and elliptic, dotted with glands, and grow to 5 inches long in pairs. The FLOWERS are fragrant and red and white when in bloom, being bell-shaped and appearing in terminal clusters. When the CALYX turns from yellow to red, they are harvested and sun dried; the clove buds are pink when fresh, getting darker as they dry and, if squeezed, will exude oil; the flower stalks are also used. FRUIT is a long, one or two-seeded berry. Cultivated in Madagascar, Comors Islands, Tanzania, Java, Malaysia, Sumatra, Philippines, and Jamaica.
Nearly one half of the world supply of Cloves is consumed in Indonesia.
Has a history of use by the Chinese going back to 300 BC and reaching Europe sometime between the 4th and 6th centuries AD.
Astrologically ruled by Jupiter. Said to resonate to the Star card of the Tarot. §
CONTAINS: Essential oils, volatile oils, gallotannic acid, oleanic acid, vanillin, methy-n-amyl ketone, caryophyllin, eugenin, eugenol, caryophyllene, acetyl eugenol, methyl salicylate, tannin, gum, resin, wax, fat.
PER 100 GRAMS = 5.9 g ash, 646 mg calcium, 105 mg phosphorus, 8.7 mg iron, 264 mg magnesium, 243 mg sodium, 1102 mg potassium, 1.0 mg zinc, 530 IU vitamin A, 0.12 mg thiamine, 0.27 mg riboflavin, 1.46 mg niacin, 80.1 mg vitamin C, 2.56 mg phytosterols.
CLOVE BUD EXTRACTS = campesterol, crataegol acid, sisterols, stigmasterol. |