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DISCLAIMER: These pages are presented solely as a source of INFORMATION and ENTERTAINMENT and to provide stern warnings against use where appropriate. No claims are made for the efficacy of any herb nor for any historical herbal treatment. In no way can the information provided here take the place of the standard, legal, medical practice of any country. Additionally, some of these plants are extremely toxic and should be used only by licensed professionals who have the means to process them properly into appropriate pharmaceuticals. One final note: many plants were used for a wide range of illnesses in the past, but be aware that many of the historical uses have proven to be ineffective for the problems to which they were applied.

a.k.a. Queen Anne's Lace
(Daucus carota) Wild form
ALSO (Daucus carota subsp sativus) Garden variety

CONTAINS: The cultivated root contains: Sugar, volatile oil, beta-carotene, fiber (high), vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and anti-angina compounds that act like calcium channel blockers (other vegetables with similar compounds are celery, fennel, and parsley). Also contains 8 compounds that lower blood pressure (The Green Pharmacy, James A. Duke) and enough fiber pectin to lower cholesterol.
The wild seed contains betasitosterol, daucine, volatile oil.

CONTRAINDICATED: Wild carrot is not used medicinally during PREGNANCY.

On the whole, carrots have been an important crop in some parts of the world for millenia. In Asia there are more varieties than the usual orange-fleshed type with colors ranging from white to purple. The Wild Carrot is more commonly known as Queen Anne's Lace and is a common wayside weed of fields and waste places. This erect biennial, one to three feet, is believed to be native to Europe and introduced into North America by settlers. The lacy flowers appear June to September of the second year in concave umbrels. The flowers are small and white, although a single tiny purple blossom is often found in the very center of the umbrel. The leaves are finely divided. Fruits are ovoid with prickles on the three primary and four secondary ribs.

In general, it is the seeds of the wild carrot that are used medicinally, while it is the orange root of the garden variety that is used for nutritional and medicinal purposes.

PROPAGATION: By seed. Perennial. Can be found growing in fields and waste places.
PART USED: SEEDS and WHOLE PLANT of the Wild Carrot; ROOTS of the Garden Carrot; OIL of both. The wild root can also be used medicinally, but is bitter, tough and difficult to work with.
D. pucillus: A small variety which appears in the western United States.


In general carrot is considered sweet, pungent, warm, urinary antiseptic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, anthelmintic, emmenagogue; affects speen, kidney, stomach.
Wild seed is considered diuretic, carminative, emmenagogue, antiseptic. The juice of the cultivated root, tonic. The root of the Garden Carrot diuretic, anthelmintic, stimulant and may help to protect and heal the liver.
Wild Carrot has been used internally for urinary stones, cystitis, jaundice, gout (whole plant), edema (whole plant), flatulent indigestion, menstrual problems (seed). The powdered seed has been used in infusion form for colic and as a diuretic; also for chronic nephritic condtions and for dropsy. Other uses for the whole plant have been: retention of urine, obstruction of urine. Other uses for the seed have been: gas, hiccoughs, dysentary, chronic coughs, gall bladder stones.
The Garden Root has been used to lower blood pressure.
In Chinese medicine the seed is used for chronic dysentary, while the root of the cultivated varieties are used as a preventative for cancer, diabetes, dyspepsia, gout and heart disease. The juice of the root is used on cancerous ulcers of the neck and uterus, cancer of the bowels and stomach. The presence of betasitosterol in the wild seeds has shown some activity in CA, LL, and WA tumor systems (Medicinal Plants of China, James A. Duke).
Regular eating of Garden Carrots has been used to improve vision (particularly night vision) and improve skin. They may also possess anticancer effects and help to prevent the formation of cataracts.
Infusion or decoction of seeds have been used for flatulence, as a diuretic, and to promote onset of menstruation.
Carrot soup has been used for infant diarrhea. Raw grated or cooked carrots (mashed) have been used as a poultice for cuts, abscesses, inflammations, wounds, ulcers, carbuncles, scrofulous and cancerous sores. Dried powdered carrots have been added to soups or put into capsules or pill form and used to fight infections, glandular problems, headaches, joint problems.
Grated carrots which are then dried have been eaten, one small piece at a time throughout the day to regulate periods.
Raw scraped carrots have been applied to sore nipples.
Raw carrots have been used in combination with garlic for worms in children.
Carrots have been used in the diet to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
To quit smoking some people have chewed on carrot sticks and found it helpful.
Carrots along with other fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C which inhibits release of histimines thus curbing allergy and asthma symptoms.
Carrot juice in equal portion with beet juice has been used during recovery from feverish illnesses. Some sources suggest adding a few drops of vegetable oil to aid the digestive system in absorbing the necessary nutrients.
Experiments on mice who were given an extract of the wild seed orally after mating show an inhibiting influence on egg implantation (Medicinal Plants of China, James A. Duke), leading to speculation regarding its usefulness as a contraceptive. In fact, carrot seed has been used as a morning-after contraceptive by the Dutch settlers of Pennsylvania.
In a Harvard study women who ate 5 servings of carrots per week had 68% fewer strokes than those who ate them rarely (less than twice a month).

!All others buy commercial preparations and follow directions carefully!
BRUISED SEED = 30 grains
DRIED PLANT = 1 to 4 grams daily
INFUSION = 1 Tbsp of seed steeped in 1 C. of water just off the boil; taken 1 C. daily, a mouthful at a time throughout the day.
POULTICE = Grated carrot applied raw.
SOUP = 1 lb peeled, grated carrot in 3/4 c of water and cooked till thick, then strained (or put through blender). Add 1 quart of meat broth.

Some large yellow to white varieties are used as fodder.
Scrubbed carrots, sprinkled with salt and allowed to set for several hours before rinsing, have been used to prevent parasitic flukes in the liver of dogs.
Along with other foods, grated raw carrots are added to the diets of bitches to increase lactation.
Raw carrots as part of a daily diet to prevent clouding of eyes with age in dogs.

Garden carrots are commercially processed for carotene which are used in supplements.
The oil is used in perfumery and in anti-wrinkle creams.

©2000 & 2005 by Ernestina Parziale, CH
